Friday Lectures

  • Scope:
  • Culture and People

We believe that one never stops learning. Therefore each Wednesday each team gathers together to share and discuss articles or videos that are useful and interesting. We also believe in sharing knowledge so each Friday we will post things we have learnt. Enjoy!


Android team watched a talk that explains how to use vector drawables to create animations in apps. It can help achieving a useful animation that can catch user’s attention and make app more unique.


Our iOS team watched Brandon Williams to learn how to find happiness in functional programming.


Designers decided to watch a video on how design sprints are flexing for success by Kai Haley.


One of our Front-end Engineers watched a conference talk by Wiktor Żołnowski- Jak znaleźć czas na jakość? (in Polish)

Culture & people

Despite there are no managers at Tooploox, Culture and People team watched “Managing for Happiness” by Jurgen Appelo, to search for inspirations about how to improve happiness in the workplace.

See you next week :)

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