Friday lectures part 2

  • Scope:
  • Culture and People

Welcome back! Here is another piece of knowledge we’ve learnt during Lunch’n Learn. Enjoy!


Android team watched a Droidcon NYC 2016 – “Window content transitions explained” by Ben Weiss, to learn how to create better animations.


Our iOS team watched last years WWDC. The talk tackled Thread Sanitizer and Static Analysis. The Thread Sanitizer will help you find data races and other concurrency bugs. The static analyzer has been extended to search for localizability issues, check nullability, and find memory leaks in MRR code.


Designer chose “Living with Complexity” by Don Norman, a human-centered design expert.


One of our Front-end Engineers watched an amazing TED talk “Why good leaders make you feel safe” by Management theorist Simon Sinek author of bestseller “Start with Why”.

One of our colleagues picked 1978 paper Communicating Sequential Processes. The paper suggests that input and output are basic primitives of programming and that parallel composition of communicating sequential processes is a fundamental program structuring method.

Scrum Masters

Our Scrum Masters wanted to learn how Google sets up OKR’s. Rick Klau covers the value of setting objectives and key results (OKRs) and how this has been done at Google since 1999.

See you next week :)

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